Features of Successful Men

Apr 26, 2016 20:48
Today, I will talk about features of successful men.

According to the study of Texas University, business managers who have low voice tend to earn much higher wages, and there seem to be many assets in their companies.

According to the study of New York University, men who are below average in height tend to earn much money, and their divorce rates tend to low.

According to the study of Texas University, people whose first sex ages are over twenty tend to receive higher education, and their incomes tend to be higher, compare to other people.

Also, according to the British psychologists, high income men seem to have a leaning toward small tits.

If you meet all of these conditions, you might have potential of rich.






No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • According to the study of Texas University, people whose first sex ages are over twenty tend to receive higher education, and their incomes tend to be higher, compare to other people.
  • According to the study of Texas University, people whose average age of first sexual intercourse is over (or: above) twenty tend to receive higher education, and their incomes tend to be higher, compare to other people.
  • Also, according to the British psychologists, high income men seem to have a leaning toward small tits.
  • Also, according to the British psychologists, high income men seem to have a leaning (or: tend to be attracted) towards women with small breasts.
  • If you meet all of these conditions, you might have potential of rich.
  • If you meet all of these conditions, you might have the potential to get rich.
Interesting! Maybe I have to change my preferences towards women ^_^
Thank you very much for correcting my post!
Haha, me too :P
You're welcome!^_^